Improving Long Run Investment Performance

Thanks to the generous support of Eurobank S.A. and Eurolife FFH, both Fairfax Financial Holdings Companies, the Greek Centre for Value Investing was established in 2019 with the goal of spreading the word of value investing to academics and the public in Greece. The Greek Centre for Value Investing has also licensed Ivey’s “Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing” brand name and established a European Chapter of Ivey’s Centre to focus on the same goals as the Greek Centre but at the European level.

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), the oldest and largest University in Greece, is affiliated with both the Greek Centre for Value Investing and the European Chapter of the Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing. A memorandum of cooperation has been signed between the two parties whereby the Greek Centre will provide value investing education to Graduate students at NKUA and at the same time train academics to be able to carry on teaching value investing independently in the future.

Upcoming Events

Value Investing Conference

The Ben Graham Centre’s 4th European Value Investing Conference will be held on October 17, 2024, in Athens, Greece.

Value Investing Seminar

A highly sought after five day Seminar on Value Investing will be held in Athens, Greece from September 30 to October 4, 2024.

Value Investing Book Release Announcement

The First ACADEMIC Book on Value Investing.

Ivey’s Ben Graham Centre Events

View upcoming events from Ivey’s Ben Graham Centre
