
“Reliance on debt led to today’s banking mess”

In his latest article, “Reliance on debt led to today’s banking mess”, published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B9, Dr. George Athanassakos discusses how the markets, driven by boomers, were addicted to low interest rates. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online, under the title “Who’s to blame for this…

Value Investing Keynote Presentation at the 4th Occupational Retirement Provision Forum

Dr. George Athanassakos gave a keynote presentation, titled “The Future of Stock Prices” at the 4th Occupational Retirement Provision Forum, organized by the Hellenic Union of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision. Watch Video of Presentation Dr. Athanassakos’ speech was based on his Globe and Mail article titled “Stock market returns over the next 30 years will…


“Why Nasdaq stocks saw a supercharged ‘January effect’ this year”

In his latest article, “Why Nasdaq stocks saw a supercharged ‘January effect’ this year”, published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B8, Dr. George Athanassakos discusses how window-dressing by portfolio managers and tax-loss selling by individual investors impacted this year’s January stock returns, particularly those of Nasdaq stocks, which rose by over 11…